The following are Shere's major television show appearances as an actress

Quincy M.D.
Here I am with Jack Klugman from the TV hit series "Quincy MD". He was also known for The TV series The Odd Couple. Missing him so much. In this scene, I played a loose woman and he could not stop laughing and we had to do several takes. It was funny because when I was off the set he knew me as a quiet and sweet innocent Vietnamese Angel. LOL! Boy, did he get that one wrong! LOL! ha ha ha
Divorce Court
This clip was taken in the '80s, and the TV Show was called Divorce Court. The subject matter was about white men marrying Asian women from Vietnam. I believe I was the first Vietnamese actress to appear on a National commercial TV show. I was extremely nervous to take on such a controversial subject. This episode was about domestic abuse and the derogatory connotations that Vietnamese women were all whores and hustlers. It was around this time when I was extremely busy juggling between my concert performances, acting & music career.
Too close for comfort
Here I am acting with Le Tuan & Ted Night on the TV Show "Too Close for Comfort". This aired on April 26, 1986, the Vietnam war had ended and America was trying to adjust to the Vietnamese presence in their communities. This was the first television series to show the radical behavior of racism against the Vietnamese in America. The other actors were Henry Monroe, Muriel, and Mrs. Stinson (Pat Carroll). Ho-Ho-Ho Chi Henry Season 6, Episode 4 Unfortunately, the only actor on the set, which I got along with was Le Tuan and that was because my English was very broken. And I was embarrassed.
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Highway to Heaven
This photo was taken on the set of the TV hit series called Highway to Heaven, starring Michael Landon This episode (One Fresh Batch of lemonade) was one of my first speaking roles as an actress, which I played as a waitress. Unfortunately, my back was turned to the camera, and even though it was a small part. I was so excited to be acting with Michael Landon. And I nervously fumbled my lines five times. With humor, Michael suggested that perhaps I should also order a drink for myself. Just to loosen up the nerves. Everyone laughed except me. I was too embarrassed. Also, to make up for not showing my face on camera, Michael offered to take a couple of photos with him. And that’s the one I’ve posted. Michael also starred in, I was a Teenage werewolf, Little House on the Prairie, The Legend of Tom Dooley, and Bonanza.
China Beach
In the ’80s hit Television shows like MASH and China Beach (1988) were the only TV shows about war. And China Beach TV Episode #43 "Phoenix" was one, which I had a big speaking part. There are many times when I worked on TV shows or Movies. And I would meet other actors that were starting their career. And on this show is when I met Ricki Lake, who was later featured in Hair Spray, Cry Baby, Mrs. Winterbourne, Working Girl, The Ricki Lake Show, and several other movie roles. In China Beach, The Director was: Mimi Ledger. Writer: Toni Graphia. Starring Dana Delany, Michael Boatman, Ricki Lake, and Me… Thu Thuy, as ( Mrs. Truong Chinh)
1971 All my children
This was my very first acting role on the Hit TV series called All My Children. Initially, I didn't think I was ready to act at the time. I say, this because of my broken English. However, when my husband told me this would be a nonspeaking part I took it right away. I played a Vietnamese woman who found Phillip at the edge of the river. I remembered they wanted me to dress up as a poor village girl. The photo shows me all dressed up, or I should say dressed down. Also, It was so hot that day, and the hat on my head made me sweat even more, although I survived. LOL!
Sad day. ;-( My friend and musician Chi Tai. Tai was discovered lying motionless at the seventh floor’s staircase inside his apartment building in Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Khanh Hoang, his ex-manager, told Tuoi Tre (Youth) newspaper the same day. Despite emergency treatment, the renowned Vietnamese comedian could not make it and passed away at the hospital at around 3:20 pm on Wednesday, Hoang said. Chi Tai, born in 1958, was a famous Vietnamese musician, comedian, and actor. I will always remember you. I remember him making me laugh in the recording studio, recording my first cassette album (Nu Hon Dau 1985) which he helped me produce. And when we were on tour together as a band. It was so much fun being with you. I can remember Chi Tai saying,. "why are you always laughing at me?". And I would answer, "you should be a comedian". I will miss you dearly. Love you, Chi Tai. I have enclosed a link to the last song we did together. Gonna lose my heart (In Vietnamese)
This photo was taken at my performance in the year 2013 at the world-famous Whiskey A-Go-Go. Though I'm not an American Idol contestant Randy stopped by to visit. He was very sweet and polite and despite his contract to refrain from taking any photos or movie clips. He allowed us to video our meeting together. And when I was on stage he cheered me on and that made my day.
Without Richard, New Wave '80s would have never happened to America. He was KROQ '80s radio host Legend. It was in the early '80s when I met Richard Blade at the time he was Interviewing WHAM! (George Michael) on MV3 1982. And after a long 25 years of my missing in action. It was nice to see him again as we worked together producing my live concert in Huntington Beach Ca at Club AVEC. And 25 years later you can see us having a fun dance together. Ckick Here!
TOO close for comfort
Up-Date! Le Tuan
Update! On November 15th, 2021 Le Tuan contacted me, to announce his new documentary video. It was a nice surprise to hear from him after all these years. And even more of a surprise was his overwhelming works of books/novels he has written. Today he is a consummated author with several other credits to his name.
You can visit Le Tuan website,
Le Tuans documentary video pt-1
Le Tuans documentary video pt-2
It was in the mid-’80s of my acting career when I did this TV sitcom. That’s when I met Le Tuan. It was around this time when I was also doing voice-overs for TV, or movie companies that would need a Vietnamese voice to fill a certain scene, particularly with any related war topics about Vietnam or with Vietnamese. And the need for Vietnamese voiceovers was popular, although there were only a very few Vietnamese who could speak english and act. That’s when my agency called me for the acting job for this TV series. So, I audition for the part, and I got to play the role of Mr. and Mrs. Duc. I must say, the day I arrived on the set, I was overwhelmed by all the colorful lights and how realistic everything looked and felt. So, it was on the day of the shooting when I met Le Tuan. Unfortunately, everybody was busy studying their parts during our breaks, so there was really no time to get acquainted. However, Le Tuan was always courteous, a gentleman, and made me feel very comfortable. And his professionalism as an actor inspired me to continue to pursue my career. After the show had ended and months later, I would meet Le Tuan in passing during the waiting conference rooms. This is where the hired Vietnamese for acting or voice-over jobs would wait to do their auditions. And that’s when I would meet and greet Le Tuan and have a casual idle conversation.