On this page is a collection of emails of questions that I've received from my

Shere Thu Thuy fan club mailing list since 1975 to date, and in random order.

If ,you have a question. You can submit it for review at etmanagement01@Gmail.com

Speaking for myself

The truth and nothing but the truth

Speaking for myself

82. Q: Nancy Ramos (Arizona) 

I've been following your career for ages. However, this year 2024 I noticed you stopped recording your New Wave Vietnamese in America music.  And now you are singing original Christian songs. How did all this take place? 

Hello Nancy, Yes! I finally woke up and realized all my Vietnamese comrades, and all the performers, including myself were singing to their own Kingdom.  And when I opened my eyes to this self-serving carnal world it bothered me.  So, one day I was invited to go to church and I heard the most beautiful Christian music glorifying our lord and savior and it was spiritually fulfilling.  But, more importantly, the music was glorifying God and not themselves. And I guess what changed my heart was the day after Church I remember seeing a Madona Concert, and backstage she gathered all her dancers, and musicians, and got everyone to pray to God to give her a great performance. And I could not help but notice that her prayer was obviously to benefit her, and her kingdom not God. Yet! She wanted him to serve her. And that’s when I woke up! Since then I decided to worship my God’s kingdom and not about me anymore. Thank you for your question. God Bless you ;-)

Speaking for myself

81. Q: From Sally Nguyen (Texas USA)

Hello Shere, I’m Vietnamese and  I just want to thank you for representing the Vietnamese to the American music industry, without you we are invisible. It’s a shame the Vietnamese don’t even try to perform or represent us outside of our creed. I can honestly say, I am ashamed of the Vietnamese behavior.   It’s almost racist the way they refuse to perform to the Americans.  It is truly sad as they continue their old redundant music such as the new wave music “80 Italo”, which is such a boring and old broken record. That’s all they do is survive off of the other recording artists’ hard work. They don’t even try to do originals. Bogus talent. If they are going to do that why don’t they just lip-sync?  LOL! 

ANSWER:  Thank you, Sally. After the war, you would think they would embrace all the benefits of what America has to offer in the music market. Unfortunately, you are right!  Vietnamese have and will always perform to their own people with their weak excuse that they need to keep their culture alive. LOL! As the old and newer generation continue to use everybody else's music but their own. They would even go to great lengths to convert all other languages outside their culture to Vietnamese. So much for keeping their culture alive.  LOL! Thanks for your email. 

Speaking for myself

80, Q: From Kim Thuy (North Hollywood CA.)

I just realized you are the only female Vietnamese representing us to the American music scene. Is that true? 

Answer: I have to say no. There was a female recording artist before me named Bach Yen in the 60’s.  And after my 80s music career was a young Vietnamese named  Myra Tran in 2019.  And I recently found another female singer who sings R&B songs by the name Thuy in 2015. These are the only Vietnamese who Represent the Vietnamese to the Americans.  Unfortunately, the majority of the Vietnamese do not perform to the Americans. Here are the links to the singers mentioned.



Myra Tran - https://www.youtube.com/@MyraTranOfficial/videos

Bach Yen -


Speaking for myself

79. Q: Hello Shere this is Martha Mc Kenny ( Ohio)

I just got through watching a lot of your YouTube videos.   Question: Why are there heart symbols after your name for some songs, but not on others? 

Answer: The ones with the heart are the original songs my manager and I wrote together. 

Speaking for myself

78. Q: From Maggie Nguyen  (Orange County  CA.) 

Good morning Shere, I’ve seen all your videos on YouTube and loved reading all the comments. And I know you have a huge American and international fan base.  BTW! I’m Vietnamese and  I’ve been watching the number of views you receive. And the views of the New Wave Vietnamese performers. Some of the Vietnamese views can rise dramatically and others not so well.  BTW! I’m a Vietnamese singer and I want to learn why this is happening and how can I improve my viewing audience? 

Speaking for myself

77. Q:  From Kate Scneider.  (Germany) 

Just want to say.   You are the true Vietnamese 80s new wave Legend, and icon and the only Vietnamese representing your people to the Americans. All the other Vietnamese only perform to their own, and never share their music to the world like you. Thank you. My question: Why do your people only perform for the Vietnamese only?  I love you ;-)

Answer:  I'm sure there are many reasons. My best guess is that they're probably intimidated by the Americans and the level of their competition and not having the connections to pursue the  American market.  Therefore performing only to Vietnamese appeases their comfort zone. 

76 Q:  From Doris Kaufman  (New Jersey)

Shere, I love all your works, especially your videos on YouTube. Question: I saw your video featuring three Vietnamese legends. I was a little surprised because I know there are more than three female Vietnamese who are very popular and deserve to be called a legend, which I thought should have been included in your video.  Also, I noticed at the end of your video you did give credit to “Kiew Chinh” but didn’t include her in your video, and she was in a Movie called “The Joy Luck Club” which won an Oscar. Question:  Can you please explain why was your decision to omit them from your video?

Answer: Yes! You are right. Note: the subject of my video documentary was based on singers who broke through the American music industry.  I did this because the majority of Vietnamese singing performers who migrated to America only perform for the Vietnamese. And I wanted to share this unique situation.  Sadly, I could only find two singers. However, a few months ago I discovered a rhythm and blues/hip hop singer by the name “Thuy” which you can check out at this link.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43wIsMMTUZo  As for Kiew Chinh, she is a movie actress and not a singer. 

Speaking for myself

75 Q:  From Nancy Nicholson:  (England) 

Hello Shere my name is Nancy, and I just recently discovered you on YouTube.  And I viewed all your information on your website. I was most interested in your TV and movie career and credits. I’m a big fan of the TV series “Too Close for Comfort” back in the 80s and I have  full collection of CD & VHS tapes. Question: Did you become friends with any of the actors on the set? And was Jim J. Bullock as gay as he seemed to be?

Answer:  Unfortunately, I have to say no at this time in my acting career. In my case, I spoke very little English back then, so I was embarrassed to socialize. Also, most actors were busy studying their lines and had very little free time to get to know each other.  And what little time was given was immediately utilized to audition for other movie roles, TV shows, interviews, or the theatre. Other than that, they would always spend their time in their trailers.  However, the gentleman who played my husband “Le Tuan” was someone I did feel a bit more comfortable with because he spoke Vietnamese. But even with that, it was a short greeting. As for Jim J. Bullock? Yes, everyone knew he was gay. And from all the cast members he was the most friendly with a positive attitude.  Also, the star of this TV show “Roger Dennis” was very secluded from the cast and everyone respected his privacy because of his previous hit TV show called “The Ted Knight Show”. Thanks for submitting your question ;-)

Speaking for myself

74 Q:  From  Lillian Vargas (Ohio)

Hello Shere I’m writing you because I read an article on popular Vietnamese female singers of the 80’s. However, your name wasn’t mentioned. I was so confused because I know you have 5 vinyl albums in the 80s, FM radio exposure, MTV videos of your music, and you were on a record label. Plus all your movies and TV career.  And you have toured all over the world. My Question: Were you not mentioned because the other female Vietnamese had more tangible established credits? 

Answer: As to the subject of the 80’s in America. Again! Speaking only to “my generation” of performers. So no! The performers in my generation do not even come close to my established credits.  LOL!  BTW!  I’m sure the Vietnamese in “my generation” will not like what I have to say. Anyway! Here’s the truth. Back in the old days in South Vietnam from 1965 to 1975. There was a surge of Vietnamese performers who were actively performing at all the local bars and nightclubs.  And performing cover songs was their bread and butter.  So, when we lost the war and everyone moved to America.  They all came with no record label contracts, no radio airplay, no music awards, no Vinyl albums, and at best you might see an article or two of local bands who were most popular, but only in their city limits and not beyond that.  And that was because of the war. 

So, now in the 80's in America, the Vietnamese performers of “my generation” who were very active in Vietnam are remembered not by any music accolades or commercial merits. They seem to be acknowledged just being local performers within their community during the conflict of the war and nothing more.  And because I was not actively involved in performing in the local communities. That is one of the reasons why I am not recognized in any of the articles with “my generation” of performers. BTW! In Vietnam, the only record of my music performances was with the Gi’s and the officer’s clubs for one year in Long Bing and later with the USO Club in South Saigon. Shortly thereafter I moved to America. 

So, in conclusion, The performers who performed during the war in Vietnam seemed to be honored as legends, more than being recognized by the music industry in America.  And they seem to flaunt this as equals to the American musicians with established, merits and commercial accolades. 

Speaking for myself

73. Q: From Lilian Sepp (Tallinn, Estonia)

Good morning Shere. Do you have any children? or any pets? 

Answer one: No, I don't have any children. Many years ago I had an accident, that prevented me from giving birth. BTW! I love kids and when I see children my heart melts and that's when I miss the thought of not having children. 

Answer two: I don't have any pets to date. However, I have always had pets, both cats and dogs. My last pet was a cat named Lucky, although he passed away 6 years ago from a liver problem. Since then I decided to retire the idea of owning a pet because the pain of losing Lucky was too much for me emotionally. And at my age, I don't want to go through that experience again. Thanks for asking. Love ya! 😘

Speaking for myself

72. Q: From Kate Smith (Australia)

I was on YouTube to check out your Vietnamese song called  “Quên Đi Tình Yêu Cũ”. And I was happy and sad because I saw all your American supporters, but no Vietnamese comments. I've followed you for years and to me you’re a true icon and legend. You are my Braveheart!  And even though I don't speak or understand Vietnamese. I do understand your talent for singing and it's beautiful just like you. Question: Why didn’t the Vietnamese respond to your song? 

Answer:  I believe it all began when I was rejected by all the Vietnamese major production companies back in the early 80s.  In more detail.  Ever since the 80's when I used to participate in all the Vietnamese local venues in their refugee communities "all was well".   Until, I started performing in American venues on TV, and Radio, and started acting in American Movies. That's when I was being ignored by the performers in my age group back then. I guess the performers didn't understand why I was involved with the Americans and not the Vietnamese. I'm guessing my comrades thought I was a trader to the Vietnamese and didn't have a clue about the real reason why I changed my career direction. And again! As I have mentioned many times.  The Vietnamese production companies back in the 80s were looking for a Madonna-type performer and not my New Wave originals. 

I also believe I might have possibly been blackballed. I say this because the Vietnamese performers (in my age group) who I had helped boost their careers are now ignoring me in all their interviews with the companies who rejected me.  And these are the performers I helped.  It's funny!  When they're asked, "Who helped them in their careers?" They never mentioned my name even when their first performances were in my cassette albums, and videos.   Video proof... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3L0oMlOrRI  And to this very day, the major music production companies refuse to include me in any of their programs.  Instead, they would call on all the performers I had performed or helped in the past. And even with all my credits. They still refuse to call me to this very day.  As to the blackball speculation and rejections. Back in Vietnam my sister used to have a personal tutor who would come to my house regularly to teach. This tutor just happens to be the owner (and his wife) who owns the two major Vietnamese production companies of all time, and the Vietnamese know who I'm talking about.   So, I suspect this could also be a personal vendetta. In conclusion, I have to believe my people don't comment on any of my videos due to the negative rumors said about me all these years as a trader. I guess they don't want to agitate their relationship with these major production companies. And that's why I believe they don't respond to anything I do.  

Speaking for myself

71. Q: From Lucy Nguyen: (California)

Hello Shere, I got into an argument with a fan who praised an 80s singer named Lynda Trang Dai for being the one and only Queen of the new wave 80s. This fan mentioned that Lynda's new wave song called, “Sau Ngày Cuối Tuần” did a video in 1985 at the age of 14.”  And two years later with nothing on record, she came back with a new wave song called. “Gimme Your Love Tonight” in 1986 at the age of 17 with Paris by Night. My argument was that there were many other singers who I have found to also have proof of singing new wave songs in the early 80s.  My Question; Do you know if Lynda was the first Vietnamese singer to do a new wave in 1985, or is it you? 

Answer Hello Lucy, good question. No, I wasn't the only one. There were a lot of female Vietnamese singers performing all the latest “Euro disco songs” back in the mid-’80s, which the Vietnamese people are now calling the new wave.  So, nothing new there!  As for Lynda’s claim in doing a new wave song called, “Sau Ngày Cuối Tuần” in 1985 at the age of 14.  I can’t say for sure if those dates are true or not. Although, I never heard of the song “Sau Ngày Cuối Tuần”, or Lynda back then. BTW! The New Wave/Italo sound didn't arrive until 1986.  And there is a huge question of why Lynda chose an unknown song no one recognizes instead of a popular song.  And then you brought up the missing in action both in performances and recordings of Lynda between the ages of 14 to 17.  This means the date 1985 could be a mistake.  

Answer BTW! There were a few Vietnamese singers like me who dared to sing real American new wave music and not Euro disco songs before 1986.  So, in conclusion, I know of Linda now and can honestly say, with video proof when I was performing alternative new-wave American songs in 1980 Lynda was 12 years old. I also have video proof of me performing Euro music live from 1986 -1987 when Lynda was 17 or 18.    BTW!  I wish people would stop comparing my music career with Lynda's. She is best known for being a Vietnamese Madonna in the 80s wearing new wave clothing when I was doing original new wave songs back then. Plus, I am 16 years older than Lynda. Also, Lynda only performs to the Vietnamese communities.

Speaking for myself

70. Q: From Wendy Nguen (Texas)

Good morning Shere, I’m also Vietnamese. I’m writing you because I have a popular friend who is a Vietnamese singer from the 80s. Early this year she was approached to do a New Wave movie documentary along with a few other Vietnamese New Wave singers, although you are not listed. My Friend said, there are rumors that you rejected their invitation to join them in this film documentary. Can you please explain why? 

Answer one. Hello Wendy. Yes! You are right! I rejected their invitations for two reasons.  Number one: I understand the Diaspora of Vietnamese in America and how the new wave became their salvation in the 80s. Instead, the filmmaker inadvertently promotes segregation between the Americans and the Vietnamese. And I’m totally against that. And even though I took part in singing the same covered songs back in the early 80s. I was the only one who represented the Vietnamese to the Americans with my "original new wave" sound and no one else. And because they ignored this, I refused to be a part of their project.

Answer two: 

Initially, the filmmaker wanted to gather all the Vietnamese singers who performed new wave songs in the 80s. So, even if you sang only one song, you were accepted in her new wave film. But, even more, disturbing was the fact that all the singers were going to be supporting their featured singer, Lynda Tran Dai. And, I strongly disagree with that issue, because Lynda was never known as a New Wave performer in the early 80s. All the Vietnamese knew her as a Madonna wanted to be, not a new wave performer. I understand the filmmaker needs Lynda regardless of the truth, because Lynda is the most popular performer in the Vietnamese Community, and the filmmaker needs Lynda to draw attention to her movie documentary. And that is the second reason why I turned them down.   In closing, I will continue to represent the Vietnamese to the Americans with my new-wave original music, until the day I die, because, none of my people have the balls to do so. BTW! I am proud to be an American because they helped my country in war, and they opened their doors to help us. And I am also proud to be Vietnamese and I love my culture. So for those haters out there who disagree with me. All I can say is Where is your gratitude? 

Speaking for myself

69. Q: From Kate Smith (California)

Shere I just want to share a commentary I wrote about you in a new wave article on the internet.  They mentioned all the regular players and failed to mention you. I find this so disturbing why they continue to ignore you. Anyway! here is what I wrote... 

I also remember Shere Thu Thuy in the 80s. She was very unique and the only Vietnamese creating new wave original music. All the other Vietnamese singers were singing Karaoke versions of the popular Euro disco songs of the mid-80s. And that’s why I was a follower of her music because she was an original. I followed her performances in Los Angeles where she would draw huge crowds at Madam Wong’s East (Chinatown) and Madam Wong’s West nightclub in Santa Monica. She even performed at the Star Wood nightclub just before they closed in 1981 in Hollywood CA. I was so proud to see a Vietnamese performing at all the popular Los Angeles nightclubs, And at the time, to see a Vietnamese singer performing in Los Angeles was unheard of. And in Chinatown in Los Angeles at the Golden Restaurant after Shere’s performance, she introduced a new singer named, “Ngoc Lan “. And on Melrose in Los Angeles in the year 1986. There was a record store called Funky Town Records, which held an album signing event for Shere Thu Thuy. This was one of many record stores selling Shere’s Vinyl albums. It was so exciting for me because I felt that I was the only Vietnamese experiencing one of our Vietnamese performers receiving so much attention outside of the Vietnamese refugee communities. The place was overwhelmed with people and I felt deeply moved, especially when I gave Shere my album to sign and Shere asked me, “Who should I make this out to?”. And she signs my album which I have to this very day. And this is how the 80s new wave music became an indelible time in my life. And for the record, I do believe Shere was the only Vietnamese who had her music aired on the American FM radio stations with Richard Blade announcing Shere’s music on the world-famous FM KROQ K-Rock station in 1987. This was followed by Shere’s video being aired on MTV with “Bring My Heart to Light” and “It’s Only You”. In conclusion, it is so sad that her Vietnamese New Wave comrades failed to acknowledge her in their Vietnamese New Wave credits. If you are not familiar with Shere’s history you will be blown away. Her accomplishments are overwhelming. You can check her out at sherethuthuy.com

Answer: WOW! Thank you so very much. Love ya! ❤️

Speaking for myself

68. Q: From Rachel Nguyen (California)

Hello Shere, Iʼm a singer-songwriter. And I've tried for several years to work my ass off to accomplish financial success and achieve a large audience. However, no matter what I do, I just canʼt seem to do any better than what I am doing as an independent recording artist. Question: In your many years of experience, can you give me any advice?

Answer one: Yes! However, please understand Iʼm retired and my information is from my past experiences, and from other artists I’ve talked to. Anyway! In short, there is only one way to achieve financial stability and a large audience. In your case, I’m assuming that you already have music and videos under your belt. This is my suggestion.

Answer twoFirstly, if you are Vietnamese and choose to make your success through their music channels. You will sadly learn the Vietnamese are limited.  However, if this is your goal. This is what you need to do. You will need to join a major music production company like Asia, Paris by Night, or Thuy Nga. Remember without them you will never achieve what they can do for you, especially in producing a large viewing audience, touring at all the big venues, and making the big bucks. Note: Your career with them will be short-lived as they need to change their artists every so often. Also, you have to approach them because they will not come knocking at your door. It is not like the old days when they used to do that. Now, if you canʼt meet their standards, then you can try approaching the American market like I did. However, if you approach the American music industry. You will need to follow these steps. Get a Manager or management company, a booking agent, and finally get on a major record label.

1. You will need a professional music manager or management company registered with Better Business Bureau. You can find thousands of them on the internet. However, if you know a performer who has achieved the status you want. It would be better to ask them for their agent's number or their manager.  NOTE!, A professional Manager or management company will help you with all your contracts, making decisions, and organizing all your business affairs.

Next! You will need a booking agent. This is a company that will book paid gigs for you throughout southern California and even nationwide. This is important to get exposure.

Next, join a major music agent, like William Morris agency. And at your request, the Agency will approach all the record labels as your representative. Note: The record companies will not speak to you without a professional agent or the owner of an independent record label. And the major record labels will put you on all the major music radio stations, TV talk shows, and major tours.

For now! Continue to use all your distributors like CD baby, Distrokid, Tunecore, and Dittomusic.  Also, this is very important, build your emailing list, and record all your performances.   BTW! Donʼt waste your time on social media such as Facebook, twitter, sound cloud, tik tok, or Instagram. These places are only good for contacting friends and family. They do not generate sales. And stay away from their promotion offers.  Instead, I would focus on selling your music on YouTube with links to buy your music. I say this because you will have a much larger audience with interest in buying your songs than any other social media would do.  Well! That is all for now. I hope this helps out. And if you have any other questions. remember you can always contact me here.

Speaking for myself

67. Q: JoJo Chi (California)

I noticed everybody on this page is very nice with their compliments on your career, personality, and music. So, I thought to myself!  Ok!  I'm sure there must be a lot of hot air blowing in the wind of the real truth about you. So, I did some research and dug really deep to find something negative. To my surprise! The only thing I could find was in the early 80s you had smaller breasts. And the ones you have now are bigger.  And I think the most impressive thing I found about you that impressed me the most, was the fact that throughout your entire career, you always gave credit to all your Vietnamese performers and composers before you.  And you always answer everyone good or bad.  BTW! This is something that is extremely rare with all the Vietnamese. They just don't do that.  And now I'm starting to sound like the people on this page. LOL!   My Question: In your video, "I've Got a Crush on You", what desert did you film this video?  And how old are you now, because you never seem to age? Thank you!

Answer: OMG! Another reference to my breasts. LOL!  Yes, it's true I bought those coconuts back in the late 80s.    As to your question: what desert did you film this video?  It was in Death Valley just south of Las Vegas. I got really lucky because the weather was very pleasant. However, what wasn't revealed was the countless times I tripped over the many stupid rocks in my way. LOL!  As to your 2nd question:  How old are you now?  If, I told you that I would have to kill you. However, I can't do that because there is some crazy Law against that sort of thing!  LOL!   Thanks for asking! Love ya! 

Speaking for myself

66. Q: Leo Kim (Michigan)

OMG! Shere! I just got back from YouTube and saw the mega mix of your original songs and the front cover to this website. Are you sure you are Vietnamese? Because no Vietnamese female or male would dare to show off their bosoms. WOW! I know for sure, you are one of the first Vietnamese to wear a bra on stage in the early 80s. I know this because I saw your performance at Michigan State University in 1985. So, I checked out your other videos looking for more and I found one other video with you as The Industrial Bitch. OMG! You blew me away when I saw you fully braless with just electrical tape covering your nipples. WOW! You are too much Shere! I truly admire your freedom of independence to express yourself. It's funny! Because I always thought The Vietnamese Madonna was the one who pushed the limits. Sorry, to compare you to someone I know you are way different and more creative. However, next to you she's just another meatball in my Phó, and she is the typical Vietnamese and so predictable.

Answer: LOL! How are your eyeballs? I see you were really focusing. Oh well! Maybe next time you can close your eyes and listen to my music too!. Hahaha! Thanks for watching. LOL! 

Speaking for myself

65. Q: Billy Nguyen "(Denmark)

I notice you speak and write in English and not in Vietnamese. My question is, why don't you speak more Vietnamese?

Answer Yes! You are right! I understand most of the older Vietnamese insist that all Vietnamese should only speak in their language when speaking to the Vietnamese people. I have to deal with this problem from time to time.  I think it's because they are insecure or perhaps prejudiced. Either way, I find this silly behavior somewhat infantile.  Especially when they get upset because you are speaking to them in English. It's funny, particularly for the Vietnamese who have come to America in their teens like me.  However, if you lived in America like me for over 50 years. Well! Comment scents should be obvious, and the English language has already been adopted.   I remember on Facebook a common Vietnamese musician got upset with me because I spoke English to him.  Note: he initially approached me speaking in English.  And everything was ok for a while until one day.  He made a derogatory remark about me to another FB member. And said, that I was disrespectful towards him for not speaking Vietnamese to him.  So, I do speak Vietnamese to those who can't speak English very well. However, if you speak English to me, then I just assume it's okay to do the same. Thank you for your question. Love ya!

Speaking for myself

64. Q: Mary Mary

Hello Shere, are you still in touch with any of the Vietnamese performers you've performed with back in the 80s? 

Answer: Unfortunately, I have to say only one. I have kept in touch with Vy Van who was in a band with me called, The Survivors. And I have met a couple of new Vietnamese performers such as Le Toan, who was the mastermind for a very popular cover band named, "The Family Love" in Vietnam and in  Hawaii. He is someone I can call a friend. It seems like everyone got too busy or has passed away. Thank you for your question. Love ya! ;-) 

Speaking for myself

63. Q: From Ronnie Toung, (California)

Hello Shere!. I just started reading your Q & A section from your fans. Hey!  I'm very interested in the Vietnamese New wave and Euro Disco of the '80s, particularly when you mentioned all the places you have performed in Los Angeles CA.   Q: Was there any other Vietnamese New wave Euro performers gigging at the clubs you've mentioned?  Also, what were the names of the New Wave clubs in Southern ca, particularly in Cities like Westminster, San Jose, or Fresno?

Answer: LOL! I'm going to answer your 2nd question first.  In the early '80s, there were no specialty New Wave Vietnamese Clubs in the cities you mentioned, especially clubs that only booked original new wave music in the Vietnamese refugee communities. That's why I laughed.  This is also funny because all the Vietnamese performers who were performing Euro-disco in the '80s were calling themselves new wave performers. LOL!  As to your first question: "Was there any other Vietnamese New wave Euro performers gigging in the new wave clubs you performed at in Los Angeles?".   Come on man! That's an easy one. NO! All the Vietnamese performers in the early '80s wouldn't dare go outside their Vietnamese refugee communities.  The American clubs would laugh them right out of their office, just like they did with me. That is of course until I started producing original music. Note: Just because a Vietnamese performs at a hotel, casino, or at weddings where there are a few Americans. This doesn't compare to the New wave club scene in Los Angeles. 

Speaking for myself

62 Q: From Jackie Lee (Missouri)

Firstly, I love all your original songs both old and new. I have a lot of friends who remember you back in the '80s who have seen you perform live.  And that is why I am writing you. So, when I heard that you had performed in little Saigon in Westminster Ca., at the local venues didn't surprise me that much. However, when I heard that in the '80s the majority of your performances were at all the local American Clubs in Los Angeles. Now, that woke me up!  I say this because in the 80s, Vietnamese did not perform to the Americans, especially in their local or popular nightclubs back then. Q: How did you get into the American nightclubs in Los Angeles?   Q: And why did you perform to the Americans and didn't continue to perform in Little Saigon/Orange County? 

Answer one: Hello Jackie Lee. Yes! In the early 80s, most of my performances were in Los Angeles.  So, to your first question, " How did I get to perform in these nightclubs?".  This would have never been possible if I was a Karaoke singer like my Vietnamese colleagues who were all doing popular cover songs back in the late 70s and 80s.  I had to learn the hard way. When I approached these nightclubs in Los Angeles I learned that all the clubs would ask me the same question, " What kind of music are you doing?".  And I was blown away by their reaction when I gave them my list of cover songs. They all laughed at me. There was even one booker who said, "Honey, if you want to play at my club, or at any club in Hollywood, you need originals and not a list of bull shit cover songs".  Needless to say, I walked out disappointed, mad, and confused, because the Vietnamese nightclubs would gladly accept performers who did only covers.  In fact, the Vietnamese nightclubs would reject you if you would say,  'I only do original music.   Up until now, as a Vietnamese performing covers was the only way I knew how to make a living.  At the time I did have a few originals, although I didn't realize how important this was to get into the Los Angeles nightclubs. Here is a list of a few places I would frequently perform, Madam Wongs East in China Town, Madam Wongs West in West Los Angeles, The Star wood, Gazzaris, The Roxy in Hollywood, Tonys on the Pier in Redondo Beach, and The Troubadour on Santa Monica Boulevard, in Hollywood Ca. ETC. 

Answer two: As to your second question: Why did I stop performing in the Vietnamese Communities?  As I had mentioned several times throughout my music career particularly when I needed help. The Vietnamese music industry back in the early 80s all rejected me because I was doing original and New Wave songs, and not your typical music Vietnamese music.  That is to say, my music was more Americanized and not customized to the Vietnamese standards of what they were listening to, or what they would accept at the time. They were looking for a Madonna-type singer and I definitely was the rebel to that fashion. And after the fact, I came to realize at the time in the early 80s The Vietnamese Music industry was extremely limited to the Vietnamese communities in comparison to the American music industry. Therefore, when the Americans opened their doors to help my music career I became more established beyond what the Vietnamese music industry could ever do for my career. And that's how it all happened.  

Speaking for myself

61 Q: From Cindy Lawson. (California)

Hello Shere, I watch and listen to a lot of Vietnamese New Wave because my step-sister is Vietnamese. And I have read all your Q&A comments particularly the one about the Vietnamese Madonna, who is proclaiming to be the only Queen of Vietnamese new wave performers. I know this performer is “Lynda Trang Dai”. She is the most popular Vietnamese with “Paris by Night” and “Thuy Nga”. All her performances are so spectacular.  And all your performances are not. My question: So, why is your performance not like Lynda’s, and why are your fans attacking her? 

Answer one: Yes! I agree that Lynda is the most popular performer in her age group with the Vietnamese. And I’m sure many performers are possibly jealous or envy her popularity.   I also agree that all her success was achieved through “Paris by Night” and “Thuy Nga”. This is unequivocal and did opened many doors to a greater viewing audience for her career.  

Answer two: To your 2nd question "Why are my performances different from Lynda’s?"  You are right again about Lynda’s performance being spectacular. I have no argument there. Simply put! My music style (if you noticed) is absolutely different and more Americanised with original new wave rock influences. And Lynda is the opposite.  Lynda is your typical Vietnamese party girl, so her music and performances promote sexy dancing and party songs. Her spectacular Vegas stage productions like Madonna, validate her objective. Unfortunately, I’m not that girl. LOL! It’s funny people want to compare Lynda with me and we are like night and day.

Answer three: As to your other question: Why do your fans attack Lynda? The most obvious answer from what I can deduce would be her claim to be the only, or first new wave Vietnamese performer of the early 80s. Especially, when she never produced any new wave songs throughout the ’80s. I believe she did one Euro Disco song called, "Gimme Your Love Tonight" by Sandy Wilson 1986 euro disco.  And that was not a new wave song. And when she puts herself above all the other new-wave Vietnamese performers who were also performing Euro Disco before her in the early 80s. I believe this really angers other Vietnamese performers.  Especially when everyone knows Lynda was promoting herself as the Vietnamese Madonna throughout the 80s and not a new wave queen. However, she did start a series of Euro Disco music in the 1990s, and not in the 80s, which she is claiming to be New Wave.   I think that is why some people talk negatively about her. Also, there is the ongoing rumors about her embellished credits without any tangible evidence to prove her claims before her connections with, “Paris by Night” and “Thuy Nga”. In conclusion, as I have mentioned several times in the past Lynda is not my competitor and I wish people would stop comparing my career with hers. 

Speaking for myself

60 Q: Eleanor - (Montana)

Hello Shere, I'm also a singer, and my question: It's about using songs that are copyright material. What are the disadvantages and advantages?

Answer: The disadvantages. If you "intend to sell" a song that belongs to someone who has their music copyright. You would have to acquire a music License. I personally use Easy Song Licensing at this link.. https://www.easysonglicensing.com/  Note: You would have to pay a fee per unit, This means? how many songs do you think you will be selling? I believe the minimum required is 10 to 25 per song, plus the set fee.   As for the advantages? The License allows you to sell, perform, and promote a license song anywhere. Without it, you can't sell the song. I hope this helped. 

Speaking for myself

59 Q: From Elsa Tri - (California)

I’m so confused! I read your blogs and the Q&A section on your website. And I am a huge fan of the Vietnamese 80s new wave. However, you confused me. So, what are you really saying? That all the Vietnamese are wrong to call themselves new wave?

Answer: Simply put!  The Vietnamese “80s new wave music is European music.   And the Vietnamese have adopted, this European sound, which is called Italo disco and is not new wave.   And to know the difference is to know the Polka beat with the 2-beat feel. This is the European beat to the majority of the ‘80s European sound, which you will not find in the new wave music, played on American radio stations.

I know this can be confusing, especially to the Vietnamese refugee communities. And to know the truth, and why I mention that the Vietnamese new wave is politically incorrect. And that is to listen to the original musicians who created new wave music, like Echo & the Bunnymen, A Flock of Seagulls, Blondie, Pet Shop Boys, New Order, and The Thompson Twins. This was the new wave sound in the ‘80s, which played on the radio, MTV, night Clubs, house parties, and Raves. Unfortunately, The Vietnamese in areas like Orange County, San Jose, and San Diego, and Fresno seem to have gotten their connections wrong, calling the European sound of the ‘80s new wave. 

The Vietnamese chose to adopt this European music, called Italo Disco in the ‘80s, particularly between 1986 and 1987. Groups like Modern Talking and C C Catch were the favorites, none of whom were Vietnamese, American, or English. And yet! The Vietnamese choose to call this New Wave or under the umbrella of New Wave, which I believe is a poor excuse to fit their need to change what is evident. Just to fit their new-wave narrative.

BTW! The Vietnamese are not going to like this. However, for the record, Madonna was not New wave. Vietnamese got this one wrong! If you look up Madonna on Wikipedia, she is recognized by the music industry as a pop disco music recording artist, who dressed in the new wave fashion and was not a new wave sound of music, like the groups I mentioned in this blog.

Just to note, There were a lot of Vietnamese performers during the ’80s doing European Italo Disco cover songs, which I have done my share, but that’s what all performers did to be current and to win the attention of their audience. And again! That was not new wave music. In conclusion, Yes! The Vietnamese today who are calling themselves the new wave is wrong! However, if the Vietnamese are using new wave in the definition of the word wave of music, oldies music, or better yet! European Italo disco then yes! That would be politically correct.

Speaking for myself

58. Q: Stormy Shepard -  (California)

I just learned the reason why you had dropped out of the music scene in 1990. OMG!  Shere, I felt so sad to hear about your brain aneurysm. I have heard stories about people who have experienced this occurrence. If it isn't too uncomfortable. Can you tell us if you suffered any side effects from this horrific misfortune?.  2nd question: When did you make your come back?

Answer: So, yeah! This did affect my ability to remember long sentences and my memory recall. If, you noticed all my new songs are under three minutes or shorter. And my lyrics are repeated verses and choruses. This also refrains me from doing live interviews without a script.  Unfortunately, I get a lot of negative comments from people who are not acquainted with my impediment.  As to your 2nd question, I returned from my retirement in 2010.

Speaking for myself

57. Q: Becky - (California)

Good evening Shere. Well! I started reading your biography and everything else, so I can get the whole picture of who you are. WOW! Sister! You have more information on you than I know my husband. LOL!  So, during my reading and visiting the internet to learn more about you, under the Vietnamese new wave performers.   I came across a performer who is also very popular and is trying to capitalize on the new wave title as "the queen of the '80s". And on this particular interview, she reiterates the sentence, " I do this for my people", referencing this to her music. WOW! I'm sorry but that to me sounds racist, and a bit pompous. I say, pompous as she glorifies herself as some kind of savior as if her people need her help, and she's the only one that can help them.  And I say, racist because she performs only to the Vietnamese refugee communities, and not in American popular venues.  And I found this prevalent throughout all her interviews. My question is, are you aware of this performer I'm talking about?  The Vietnamese Madonna? 

Answer: Yes! It seems like the more attention I'm getting, the more her name is mentioned. I have come to realize a lot has happened when I was missing in action for 20 years. It's like waking up from a coma and discovering someone has forced themself into my old '80s bedroom. LOL!  So, yes I know of this performer. However, I have this apathy towards all or any performers trying to take that title, "The new wave queen or legend" as this is unimportant to me. As I have mentioned many times throughout my career. I just love music and I'm just happy that I can still perform, and especially at my age. LOL!. 

Speaking for myself

56. Q: Cathy Thai - (Wisconsin)

Hello Shere, I admire all your accomplishments, and you are a great inspiration to me. And I'm sure I speak for the consensus of the Vietnamese who follow your career.  In your blog, on the subject of the Vietnamese music industry rejecting you. My question is, in the earlier days of your music career, you did approach the Vietnamese Music Industries. Am I correct?  How did that precipitate? And when they rejected you. What did you do? 

A: Yes!  You are correct! At the time I was living in Southern California. And in Westminster city in Orange County, is when I had approached the Vietnamese music industry, which was only two at the time. Just to note; Before I approached them my original songs were playing on all the local American and Vietnamese radio stations throughout Los Angeles and Orange county, with a couple of Vynil albums to my credits.  And I had established myself as a TV & Movie actress. In addition, I was performing at all the popular Vietnamese clubs. With all that in my pocket, I thought for sure one of the top music production companies would accept me.   I remember during my first of two official meetings when I  introduced myself, they immediately recognized me. In conclusion, they said. " Sorry, we feel you are not a good candidate to represent our people. Besides your too old".  And with that, I left the building disappointed and hurt, that my people rejected me. As to your second question. There was no other place to go. That was it! I thought to myself, now what do I do? That was scary because I didn't want to be permanently chained to the merry-go-round of a repetitive routine to the Vietnamese limited nightclubs in Orange County.   And to be subservient to perform only in Westminster city limits was not going to advance my career. So, I turned my focus to the American music industry. And that's what I did. 

Speaking for myself

55. Q: Frankie - (California)

I found you on the Blog.naver and I love your lyrics and all your videos. Question, When you perform live.  Did you ever perform at an empty club or event?

A: Yes! In the earlier days of my career. I remember a couple of times when there were 5 or 10 lonely people in the audience. The truth is, it didn't bother me because mentally I was too nervous with the thought that I was going to perform. Performing meant a lot to me, so my nerves were a good distraction to realize that 5 to 10 people were even present. However, now that I am older.  It does affect me like any other performer, although I always try to think of the people in the audience who came to see me.  And when I look at their faces, I fall in love with their enthusiasm and I perform my ass off for them. So, yes there was a couple of low turn-outs, but nothing that would stop my energy to give my all. 

Speaking for myself

54. Q: Anonymous - (California)

Hello there, I'm Vietnamese and a rocker at heart. And I'm here because my brother is a big fan of yours and he talks about you all the time whenever the word new wave is mentioned. So, here is my story. One day, he said I should listen to your stuff, and I laughed at him because I'm a die heart rocker, and there was no way in hell that I was going to listen to that new wave shit! Sorry! That's what I said. I think it was on a Sunday morning (my weed-smoking day) I felt bored and I was high enough to check your website, and I thought. Oh No! Another Vietnamese trying to show off their karaoke cover songs.  And then!  I clicked on your Industrial rock section and said. Ok!  What the hell is this? And I opened your page. I was so fucking blown away and couldn't tell if I was still on your website, or if the weed I was smoking was some cheap bullshit stuff I bought.  Anyway!  I checked out one video and then I found myself suddenly addicted like a crack head on heroin. Holy shit! Your rock music really separates you from all those prima donna Vietnamese pretentious female wannabes. I even went to your ReverbNation website and now I'm in love and convinced, that you are some kinda of genius.  And your vocals as a rocker kicks major ass! There is no other female vocalist ever who can even dream to do what you do as a vocalist.  And yes! I compared your credits to the other so-called Vietnamese legends. They all suck!  And you look and smell like the real deal, you are the true '80s, original new wave queen.  You got it, sister!   BTW!  I'm a close personal friend of Lynda Trang Dai and if she hears me say, you're the true '80s Vietnamese new wave Legend she would kill me, along with her husband. You are too much Shere, and now I'm in love with you. However, I wish you were still doing the rock stuff. 

Answer: Who are you?

Speaking for myself

53. Q: Alice Nga -  (New York)

I just read your blogger post. I now understand the difference and the reason why you call yourself the Vietnamese new wave '80s original recording artist. LOL! I argued with my sister on the subject of who deserves the legendary title of the Vietnamese new wave '80s Queen.  I fought for Lynda Trang Dai, and she fought for you. And I must say, with full humility.  I finally, saw the light and the common sense to your headliner.  So, correct me if I'm wrong, although I think I got it now.  You created new wave original music in the American genre in English, while Lynda did covers.  Right?.  And that's what separates you from all your colleagues. Correct?  Also, when my sister showed me Lynda's first original new wave song, "Crazy Love" and I saw the date marked 1992 composed by your brother Alan Nguyen I surrendered to you.  So, did I get it? 

Answer: LOL! Yes!  You got it!  Just to note, there were several female performers in the mid-'80s including me, who did all the popular new wave cover songs back then. This includes CC Catch, etc.  Cover songs are what all performers do to be current and to win an audience.  Although, Lynda did get the support of the major players in the music industry with her Madonna act, and that's why she is more popular.  Especially, when I was forced to stop (20 years missing in action) because of my physical health. 

Speaking for myself

52. Q: Brad Cooper - (California)

Wow! I just read your blog. And out of curiosity. I checked the internet to see for myself if what was said was true. Holy fucking shit! What the fuck! What a bunch of assholes. I just couldn't believe it! So cruel. The Vietnamese music industry and all the Vietnamese new wave articles have ignored you to the point that they don't even give you a shit bone of credit to even mention your name. I'm sorry for my behavior, but if someone were to do that to me. I would fuck them up. Those mother fuckers. Even though you were missing in action for 20 years they have no excuse for not acknowledging you for the past 10 years come back, and all the work you have produced. Not to mention, you are Vietnamese. Are they blind?  You are very present today and hard to ignore. in fact, you stick out like a sore thumb. My question is, do you even need the Vietnamese music industry's or their stupid articles of approval? 

Answer: I must say, your post really tickled my ears with all your F-bombs. If any of the Vietnamese should read your post, I would have to believe you just started another Vietnamese World War 2. LOL!  As to wanting or needing their approval, I can care less as the major players were not there to support me in my music adventure. And if they were to approach me today.  It would be too late, as I'm too old.  So, my answer to your question is no!  I do not seek their approval anymore.

Speaking for myself

51. Q: Vivian Wood - (Oregon)

Shere, I read most of your news articles on your website and it seems that the Vietnamese did recognize you. However, you mention serval times they did not support or acknowledge you. Can you answer this contradiction?

Answer: Yes! It appears that way. However, the majority of the articles you read were paid by me (a common practice of the day) to advertise an event, album, or updates on my music career.  And the few that sought me out for an article in a magazine or an interview were outside the Vietnamese circles.  Just to clarify the difference.  Paying someone to advertise you (a hired service) is not what I consider real support. They're just doing their job.   However, someone who seeks you out for a free promo article, interviews in their magazines, or invitations to their talk shows, is what I call a real supporter.  And, this happens quite often when they like you, and acknowledge you as one of their own. Apparently, all my collective credits weren't Vietnamese enough to accept me.  I hope this answers your question.

Speaking for myself

50. Q: Rudy Trang - (Boston)

OMG! I just read your blog and had to visit your website. Shere,  I read your blog and all your struggles, physically and the rejection of your people. WOW! The Vietnamese music industry is so fucking prejudiced. Question; When you wrote the song, "I'm much stronger" was this because of your experiences mentioned in your blog? 

Answer: Yes! I wrote this song to say exactly that. Despite it all, today I am much stronger. Thanks for your interest. Love ya!

Speaking for myself

49. Q: Tony Nguyen - (California)

I'm Vietnamese raised and born in America and I recently saw a movie called, "A Rumor of War". Was that you? My second question: If you are a New Wave recording artist, why don't you sing the songs like the Vietnamese who are doing New Wave today?

Answer: Thanks for the question. Yes! That was me in that movie called, "A Rumor of War".   I was stripped of all my makeup and everything that makes a girl beautiful. The director wanted realism and that's what he got, LOL!.  As to your 2nd question: The Vietnamese performers you are mentioning are all doing the European music from the '80s and not the American New Wave. They all follow each other with the same oldies cover songs, By Modern Talking and CC Catch. As for me,  I made my career doing original songs influenced by American music since the '70s and to date. So, all "my originals" have been in that fashion, and that's what separates me and my music from that Merrygoround.  However, In the '80s when the European sound was born, and when I was doing cover songs, I did do my share of,  "Modern Talking, etc. Been there, done that! And as I have mentioned many times throughout my career. I'm trying to promote my music, not someone else's. Unlike the Vietnamese who you speak of who do not create music, but choose to follow the melody of the day.

Speaking for myself

48. Q: Steve Bowman - (California)

I'm an American who speaks and reads Vietnamese and I was on your news and miscellaneous page, and I read your articles on Tre Magazines. And I realized how important your identity as a solo artist is. And I also discovered that you are not a follower, and avoided the trap of being a Vietnamese subservient performer impressed me. And that is why I'm writing to you, because of your brave independence.  I have to mention the time I was invited to a sold-out show in Westminster California. This just happened to be produced by Ky Phat, the owner of Tre Magazine. I remember all the performers were from both North and South Vietnam. I was extremely impressed because I fought in the Vietnam War against the North Vietnamese. And yet! Everyone was united in a peaceful love festival. It was on that show when I first saw you perform. And when I read Chris Chambers's question on your Q&A. Question: If the Vietnamese people have rejected you. How did you get on that show?

Answer: Thank you Steve for your interest. So, as I have mentioned many times before there were a handful of people who would recognize me and would invite me to perform in their events despite the political conundrums. As to this show, Ky Phat invited me. And It was his unbiased need to respect unity among all Vietnamese. And there was also the fact that I had a prominent career regardless of where I chose to establish myself.  I was after all Vietnamese and he respected me and my accomplishments. But not everybody on this show shared the same convictions. In fact, there was an ex-musician who worked with me in the late '70s and the '80s. And on that show, he did not want me to perform. He was very confrontational in an email to me. In conclusion, he removed me from the show. However, when Ky Phat found out, he contacted me to say he was extremely sorry and reprimanded that musician and put me back on the show. I can also remember another time with that same musician who physically brushed me off when I tried to greet him with a hug. This just happened to be in the center of an empty dance floor at another sold-out show in front of everyone, which confused me, because up until then I never experienced this behavior from anybody especially from him.  Note: Like Ky Phat, there was another promoter of events and musician name Anthony Luu who I respect and honor as a truly unbiased, non-prejudice Vietnamese gentleman who would also have me perform on his events. Anyway, that's how I got on that show. For the record, it was the Major Companies that I had approached in the early '80s who rejected me, and not the independent promoters or my personal friends. 

Speaking for myself

47. Q: Chris Chambers - (California)

I love the 80's New Wave and have read many articles on the Vietnamese revival and how they adopted that genre of music, calling it their own creation now. And of all the articles they never mention you. Instead, they give full credit to an 80's Madonna singer for introducing pop music to the Vietnamese. The Vietnamese seem to be very prejudiced and biased in these articles to dismiss you from their list of credits. Why is that? This is very sad because you stick out like a sore thumb with all your work. So, how did they miss that?

Answer: LOL!  I always find this so funny every time I get this question. As I mentioned before in a previous answer on this page. It's really sad how the major companies choose to dismiss me. I find this behavior politically repugnant and yes, even prejudiced.  So, in the early stages of my career, I was forced to market my music to the Americans, especially when the Vietnamese were the one's who rejected me back then.  Fortunately, these turn of events worked out for the best. As I quickly learned how massive the American music opportunities were available.  The comparison to the Vietnamese music industry gave the truth to how limited they were back then in the '80s.  And this limitation for a performer seeking success beyond their scope was not permissible.   And when the Vietnamese noticed that I had pursued my career outside their monopoly, I was ignored and dismissed from all their articles, accolades, interviews, and any music credits. However, as I have mentioned before they're a small handful of Vietnamese independent promoters (friends) who will invite me to their place of events. I suppose one day when I'm dead the Vietnamese will finally recognize my accomplishments and probably claim me as their creation too, but not until then. LOL!

Speaking for myself

46. Q: Diana Shaw - (California)

Shere, I read your biography and I know now, that you are Vietnamese. Funny, I always believed you were Chinese. I say this because back in Hong Kong in the '80s my brother bought one of your new wave vinyl albums, which you sang in English. BTW! My brother played your music like a madman on drugs. Question: When and where did you learn how to speak English?

Answer: Hello Diana. I learned how to speak English in Vietnam. My older sister Hai hired a British linguist to tutor us on how to speak proper English. Unfortunately, over the years I wish I could say I mastered the language, although it's more like I massacred it.  LOL!  I'm always on damage control when I speak. So, despite my scrambled grammar, I choose to speak and write in English because I have more American fans than I do Vietnamese. Thank God for a program called Grammarly, I'm lost without it. Love ya!

Speaking for myself

45. Q: Christian Vo - (Florida)

Shere, I saw your sold-out performance in the '80s in Florida, and that was an awesome show!. And last week I was at a local nightclub, celebrating my friend's birthday and there was a Vietnamese band playing '80s music. I was on the dance floor when I almost passed out with surprise! The band played two of your songs, "Gonna Lose My Heart and Prisoner of Love". When I went home I got on YouTube and I was so happy to see you were back. My question: Are the bands in your area also playing your music over there?

Answer: I wish I could answer that question. I say this because I hardly go out to nightclubs at my age. However, I do have hundreds of DJs who play my music from time to time, especially the '80 new wave and Italo Disco DJs. Thanks for sharing, Love ya!

Speaking for myself

44. Q: Jenifer Nguyen - (South Vietnam)

I'm also from South Vietnam and I remember your family. They owned an import-export store, where I believe my dad bought a Sony Radio and our first black-and-white television there. Question: How did you get around town, to work or to perform? Did you have a car? 

Answer: LOL!  No!  However, I do remember my brother Mike had a Honda Motorcycle, and he would drive me on the back of his Motorbike to his manager's house where all the band members would meet. And from there we would jump in the manager's Van and drive off to Long Binh to perform.  I was like a 007 agent back then, and my mission on the weekends always began around 5 to 6:PM. This is when I would use my super talent, which was to Lie to my mother.  When she would ask where I was going I would reply, "I'm going to see Mike perform with his band". and that would appease her for the time being. Unfortunately, I got caught one night by my mother when I didn't arrive home. This was due to a bomb scare from the NVN which hit our location that night and the arm forces would not allow anyone to exit or entrance to our campgrounds. In conclusion, my mother beat the shit out of me. My mother beat me so hard the broom she used snapped in half. And off to the side, I could see my sister against the wall shaking like a Chihuahua on crack.  And our maids would cry for me as I held back my tears. A few days later my brother quit the band, which made me sad because he was my hero and his departure confused me. WOW! Did I answer your question? LOL!

Speaking for myself

43. Q: Jude - (California)

Hello Shere. I saw your sold-out performance at the House of Blues in West Los Angeles, which by the way was an awesome show.  I also viewed one of your documentaries about Vietnam when you performed for the G.I. Officers Club.  My Question: Did you have any trouble performing in front of all those lonely men?

Answer: Yes! BTW! This was at the Long Binh Post located on the east of Đồng Nai river, 20 km northeast of Saigon. There were times when the club would exceed its capacity, which happened frequently. And when the Americans would have too much to drink, they would charge the stage trying to grab me. When this would occur my brother Mike would pull me from behind and away from their reach. Other times, Mike would have to save me by removing me altogether off-stage and escorting me back to our dressing room. There in our dressing room, we would look at each other scared and in shock. The whole club would go nuts while we listened to the soldiers cry out encore, and Sandy (a name I used to disguise my true identity). Also, certain songs would drive them crazy happy, Like "We Got to Get Out of This Place" by the Animals, Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival, Leaving on a Jet Plane by Peter, Paul, and Mary. Unfortunately, it was evident that the security MP guards were too few to control the excitement of our audience, and yet we all survived the chaos. On a positive note. I did like the attention, although looking back, I always wonder what would have happened if things went wrong.   I guess when you're young all you can see is how cool it was to be popular.

Speaking for myself

42. Q: Sue Ann - (California)

When you were doing Movies & TV in the '80s. Did you have any interesting stories, good or bad experiences about the Celebrities you met?

Answer: Yes! You can find this information in my Movie & TV section on this website.  Go to the top right corner to the Home drop-down menu and you will find it there. 

Speaking for myself

41. Q: Daina Franklin (California)

I noticed no matter how good an artist is there are always people who will give a negative mark.  Shere, are you ever bothered by the thumbs-down on YouTube?

Answer: No! I learned a long time ago when you are an entertainer it comes with the territory.  My common sense at an early stage in life has never dismissed the fact that people all have personal taste and so they are entitled to that rule.  However, if they abuse their right to make hateful comments. Well! I just removed them. In conclusion no! The thumbs-down doesn't bother me at all. 

Speaking for myself

40. Q: Mary Cotton - (California)

Hello Shere, I just subscribed to your YouTube channel. I also did a quick look at all your videos. OMG! You're a busy woman. My question is, why don't you sing the new wave '80s oldies anymore, like C C Catch or Modern Talking? All your other Vietnamese colleagues seem to get a lot of attention doing those cover songs.  

Answer: Yes! You are right! And as you may have noticed, in my recorded videos on YouTube. I did do the songs you mentioned live in the mid-'80s. However, I never felt the need to record these songs on vinyl or include them in my original albums. I didn't think Vietnamese needed a thousand more singers covering Modern Talking or C C Catch songs. However, now and then someone would request that I do one or two of those songs, which I will do and love, but only live. And I have no desire to include myself in that overwhelming list of singers to promote what is running its course. Also, I believe it's been 35 years or more with a million DJs constantly playing their music.  And I don't think it's going to improve my career if I refrain from joining that Merry-go-round. I don't like being a follower.  So, yes! I love having my own identity creating original music.  And that's why I don't sing those songs anymore.  Besides, I'm trying to promote my music, not someone else's. LOL! 

Speaking for myself

39. Q: Jack hunter - (California)

Long live the '80s music. Shere my question: In the '80s. Why didn't more Vietnamese musicians create New wave original music like you? 

Answer: What the F***! That's a loaded question brother!  Hey! I lost my virginity once and I don't want to lose my career too! So, in answer to your question: I have to plead the Fifth Amendment. Oh boy!  I'm out of here brother!  Sorry! 

Speaking for myself

38. Q: Whitlock - (Chicago)

Shere I love all your original music. BTW! I visited your brother's website and I noticed your brother Mike has over 300 videos posted on YouTube. My question, why isn't he as popular as you?

Answer: Yes that's true. It's funny!  You can have a thousand videos, but that doesn't guarantee success or popularity especially when you're producing an embarrassingly low number of views. I believe singers, in this case, are using YouTube as a library.  And they become more music hobbyists. I also believe they have surrendered or retired the thought of boosting their music career.  However, I can say they are enjoying what they do. Note: I can not speak for them and my opinion is only a cretic.

Speaking for myself

37. Q: Nancy Thuy - (California)

I read one of your Q&A answers about the limited popularity of Vietnamese music agencies like Paris by Night and the others that serve the Vietnamese only.  However, I have to disagree, because I have seen huge numbers on YouTube who are producing numbers in the hundreds of thousands. How do you explain that?

Answer: Hello Nancy. Yes, you are right!.  And when I mentioned that subject I was referencing their limited popularity in the '80s when they were still establishing themselves. However, many years later since the '80s, their broadcasting has expanded and escalated tremendously, especially now that the North Vietnamese got involved with the music industry and expanded the Vietnamese audience. As much as the South Vietnamese hate to hear this. The North Vietnamese came to the Americas by storm and introduced all their new young talent and new music, which the South Vietnamese were struggling to compete with.  Here is a sad example of comparisons.  It took the South Vietnamese music industry in America 35 years to finally accept New Wave/Euro Disco music. And now the majority of their singers are including New Wave into their acts, and singing all Modern talking and C.C., Catch songs, which they seem to be so obsessed with to this very day.  And yet!  It was the North Vietnamese who actually produced the Godfathers of New Wave, Modern Talking concert in 2016, not the South. You would think if the South Vietnamese were here first, or the leaders in the music industry, shouldn't they have been the ones to lead the New wave in the forefront?  Right?   So, today when you see these large growing numbers. They are the combined works of the North and the South Vietnamese music industries together.  

Speaking for myself

36. Q: Samantha Blair - (California)

Shere, I just watched a live concert video of your performance in Huntington Beach at Club Avec. I was there that night and I couldn't help noticing how much the audience loved you. I mean they actually showered you with hugs, kisses and you reciprocated with full honesty and affection. My eyes swelled up with tears because I never saw this happen with other Vietnamese shows, selfies yes but not with hugs and kisses.  What really got to me was not only the Vietnamese showering you with love, but there was this black woman all alone who was admiring you from a distance and you went out of your way to hug her and made sure she got a selfy with you, and then you kissed her on the cheek. OMG! I knew then I was watching a true Vietnamese Legend. I hope you don't mind me calling you that. My question: Do you have any indelible moments from fans you can share with us?  

Answer: Hm...Yes! There was one I remembered. It was a fan named Gung Nguyen who was an old admirer and musician from Saigon Vietnam. And for over a year he would frequently write to me on youtube and Facebook. He said in humor. "I saw you performed in Vietnam. And before I die I need to see you perform one more time", and he promised to see me at my upcoming show in Hollywood Los Angeles Ca. I was playing at the Whisky a Go-Go in Holywood Ca. I had noticed someone watching me from a distance as I walked up the stair to my dressing room. And then when I came out to enter the stage the same person waved at me. I didn't know who that was so, to be polite I quickly waved back and on to the stage I went. And while I was performing I could hear from the balcony someone loudly cheering me on song after song. It was so noticeable it got my attention and I looked up to see if I could see this person. And when I ended my set and on my way to the dressing room this person slowly walked towards me as if to greet me, although stopped when my manager quickly escorted me to my dressing room. The following day I got a message from Gung Nguyen which broke my heart. That guy who was screaming from the balcony from the top of his lungs with his full support was Gung Nguyen. It was so sad because all his attempts to meet me had sadly failed. He said he was so nervous, shy, and gave up trying towards the end. And he continued to say how proud he was to see me represent the Vietnamese at the whisky A Go-Go.  And he called me the '80's Vietnamese new wave legend and I never heard from him again. I never got to meet this fan to give him a hug and to say thank you. So, that's one fan I will always remember.  And to this very day, it makes me sad because I don't know if he is alive or dead.  I say this because of what he had said in humor.  Gung Nguyen, if you reading this I want you to know you I will never forget your beautiful support. Much love Shere.  

Speaking for myself

35. Q: Karen Chai - (California)

Good morning Shere. I love reading all the Q&A submissions on your website. BTW! I think you are an absolute musical talent and I love you. So, I am writing you because I have a lot of Vietnamese friends from Westminster CAOne of them read your Q&A page and could not believe you were the one answering the questions and she mocked your answers as bogus. She believed your grammar was too polished for a Vietnamese. So, is this really you? I want my friend to read your answer. 

Answer: LOL! That is so funny! Yes! This is me!  As to my polished grammar. LOL!  I use a very popular tool called Grammarly which helps me correct my spelling and my broken English. And as to your friend. Wow! Her need to judge me as an uneducated Vietnamese woman says a lot about your friend. I'm surprised she didn't practice common sense before blowing her horn. Boy! What a blow job. LOL! 🤣

Speaking for myself

34. Q: Martha Mc Cormick - (California)

 Hello Shere. I read some of the Q&A comments on this page, and boy what a laugh. I must say, I also did not know the difference between pop music and New Wave. I always believed Madonna was a new wave recording artist until I read her Wikipedia page. Well!  That's when I found out the truth.  My question is, did you ever sing any of Madonna's songs in the '80s?

Answer: Oh! Hell! No!  LOL!  I would never sing her songs or crawl on the floor and sell myself that way.  I always found Madonna pretentious and a desperate opportunist. I was, and will always be a creative artist to my new wave music, which meant more to me than wearing a wedding dress on stage. In fact, I did a parody of Madonna in a video I did 10 years ago on YouTube, called " 1980 Tunes, by Shere Thu Thuy. Check it out it's towards the end. And you can clearly see the difference between the New Wave look and the pop singer Madonna. LOL!

Speaking for myself

33. Q: Windy Nguyen - (Iowa)

I am a huge fan and a subscriber to your YouTube page, and I have noticed that you seem to be unrecognized throughout the Vietnamese community, TV stations, performance shows, or in their interview network channels. I know they know you are Vietnamese. Right?  LOL! So why is that? 

Answer: I believe it's because I'm the type of girl who will Kung Fu their asses. LOL! On a serious note!  It seems that all Vietnamese who pursue or establish their music career outside of the Vietnamese such as I did.  Then you will suffer the inevitable rejection. Once you are out you can never be accepted or a part of their commerce. However, there are always a few exceptions. If you know someone who does recognize you and is a fan of your accomplishments. They will invite you to perform on their shows, from time to time.  So, that's why I am virtually invisible and missing in action to the Vietnamese.  Unfortunately, that's just the way things are done with my people, sad.

Speaking for myself

32. Q: Jack Rodger -  (Oklahoma)

Hello Shere! I was just wondering. Why did you turn off your comments on some of your YouTube videos?

Answer: When you're in the entertainment business, there are some really bad people out there who are psychotic. I was targeted by a group of haters who threatened my life and continued to do so for over a year. And every time I tried to block or delete them they would return with new accounts under different names. So, when they hacked my account that's when I decided to turn off my comments feature. Now, I have no more threats or racist hate comments anymore.  

Speaking for myself

31. Q: Helen Herman -  (San Antonio)

Hello Shere, I was wondering in Vietnam what type of music were you listening to? 

Answer: At a very early age I would listen to American music. I used to have a little red Sony transistor radio, and I would stay up all night and fall asleep listening to songs Like Going out of My Head by Little Anthony, All I Have to do is Dream by the Everly Brothers, The Supremes, Dionne Warwick, and etc. And because of American music, I always felt I needed to be there in America. The music there seemed to be endless. And though Vietnam had its popular traditional standards, American music was more modern and that got my attention in a big way. 

Speaking for myself

30. Q: Becky Herman - (Mexico)

I'm confused, Are you a New Wave or an Italo disco artist? 

Answer:  Yes! I am a Vietnamese new wave recording artist, but Westerners would categorize it as Euro disco or Italo Disco.  And that's why everyone gets confused. You have to remember Disco music had ended from 1979 to 1980. That's when the new music explosion of New Wave, Euro Disco, Italo disco, Pop music, alternative music, and Punk entered the scene. And I believe Madonna was on the top of that list in the '80s.

Speaking for myself

29. Q: Victoria Wiliams - (California)

Sorry my question is more of a commentary. And I am so fucking angry. But first! I am a huge fan of the '80s music and a collector of over 1200 vinyl records. I am also a history fanatic of the American and Vietnamese New Wave '80s scene. And I read one of your Q&A from, Kim Khanh about Lynda Trang Dai. And I also read an article from "The Curious Subculture of Vietnamese New Wave". But what really got me curious was a Video I saw called, "New Wave Tour". And in this video, the host announced Lynda Trang Dai as "The one and only Queen of new wave". So, I had to investigate this claim to add to my Vietnamese '80s Library.  And that's when I discovered a disturbing truth and informed claims about who is the '80s Vietnamese New Wave legend, or queen that I am angry about. So without prejudice, I can honestly say you (Shere Thu Thuy) are the '80s Queen and the legend of the Vietnamese New Wave recording artist. Not Lynda Trang Dai.

Here are the facts!  Lynda was born in 1968, 16 years younger than you, which means in the year 1980, she was 12 years old. And when the explosion of the European New wave scene was at its pinnacle in 1986 Lynda had just turned 18 and made her first singing debut in Paris not in America, and without any new wave singles or recording contracts, which contradicts "The Curious Subculture of Vietnamese New Wave article".  They claim that in North Carolina they blasted Lynda Trang Dai New Wave music in the '80s. In this article, they proudly feature her and praise her, claiming that she was already a consummated legend of the Vietnamese New Wave Queen with full popularity and full established credits in Europe, China, and America in 1986 at the age of 18.  Sorry, this is false! What the Fuck! Was somebody on crack? when they wrote this article?

In addition, in Wikipedia, VietCeleb blog, and the Amino Article Lynda, herself confirms and reiterates several times that her "first" singing debut on stage was at the age of 18 and that was in Paris, France 1986. And then there is this disturbing contradiction on debut dates. If you read the top of that page in that Amino Article there is another debut date 1983 age 15, with "no proof" of where this took place, or what type of music she was doing. There is no evidence.  So, how did this magically established '80s New Wave title happen? Especially, when she was a Madonna wannabe impersonator and produced only '80s pop disco music, not New Wave from 1987 to 1991 with Paris by Night. So how in the fuck did that get twisted? This is why I'm so angry. 

Also, on her Wikipedia page, she recently posted an '80s new wave cover song Gimme Your Love Tonight with the date1987, which I believe is bogus.  I say this because this song popped up out of nowhere (desperate move) when this so-called New Wave '80s Queen was with Paris by Night with her Madonna Act, pop music from 1987 to 1992.  I find this very odd that she would completely ignore producing any real new wave songs when it was at its pinnacle.  Now, don't you find this odd?  It wasn't until 5 years later in 1992 when she recorded a new wave original song called Crazy love. 

Just to reiterate the importance of Lyndas' music Between 1987 and 1992 (according to Wikipedia list) she only produced pop disco songs in the style of Madonna, and not New Wave. Everybody gets that one wrong. I guess the Vietnamese people were so confused. 

Oddly enough, after the new wave scene had ended in 1990. And all of a sudden she is proclaimed to be deserving of the New Wave '80s Queen of Legend title. Sorry, that's bullshit!  However, in the 90s there was evidence that Lynda was singing Euro Disco songs and not new wave music. Therefore you could call her the 90s Euro Disco queen, but not the 80s. 

You, however, were already performing a plethora of New Wave covers and originals in 1985 with the Philadelphia band (see flyer on Shere's News/articles page). So, when Lynda was in Paris in1986 making her first singing debut, you were already a New Wave recording artist and touring the states. Check this out Shere Thu Thuy - 80s LIVE NEW WAVE (vintage 1986-1987 medley)   So, the list of contradictions on Lynda's claim to be the 80's New Wave queen or legend is a joke.  Again! Just to reiterate: Lynda in the late '80s was a Madonna pop singer and not, an 80s New wave recording artist. If she was producing New Wave, Paris by night productions would not have invested in her in 1987. They wanted a Madonna impersonator and that's what they got. And for those who are still skeptical, check out Lynda in her own words.

Answer: WOW! You know I wasn't going to post your email to me. However, I have also heard those rumors. For the record, I usually don't invest my time into such politics or rumors. Nevertheless, I could not avoid this ongoing issue about who is the Queen, or who is the first New wave Vietnamese '80s nonsense. Firstly, It is true Lynda is more popular than I am with the Vietnamese, no argument there. However, for the record, I did record my first new wave single in 1985 called "Brass in Pocket" made popular by The Pretenders" and also a rock song called "HeartBreaker" made popular by Pat Benatar, and Gonna Lose My Heart in the same year. I also have recordings and videos on YouTube to prove those performances.  Unfortunately, I couldn't release Gonna Lose My Heart until 1987. Also, I do remember Lynda recording her first new wave original song called "Crazy Love", although that was not in the 80s, I believe it was 1992 when New Wave was diminishing. And the only reason why I know this is because my brother Alan Nguyen wrote it for her. She approached my brother when I was in the hospital due to a Brain Aneurysm. That's when my brother mentioned her. On a more positive note to your commentary and with full humility, I have to say, that Lynda did help change the way the Vietnamese are listening to New Wave music. Without her, The Vietnamese would still be doing the old classic music standards with tunics and boring stage performances.  So, I tip my hat to her for giving the Vietnamese people something new.  As to why the Vietnamese are confused to call her New Wave. I believe that is due to her attire. She, like Madonna, utilized the New Wave dress code in their pop music and I believe that's where the confusion occurs.  Anyway! In conclusion, I don't care about the title status. So, anyone out there who feels the need to be that person, go ahead. I'm just happy I'm still in the game. Thanks for your input.

Speaking for myself

28. Q: Darla Tran - (California)

I would like to add to Victoria Wiliam's comment about Lynda Trang Dai on this page. I went to the same school in Huntington Beach where Lynda Trang Dai went to. So, I know of her. Some of the kids heard she wanted to be a singer, yet no one had ever heard her sing. And I do remember she had spread rumors that she was singing at the club Lang Van and the Ritz. My friends and I always made fun of her because we all knew you had to be 21 and over to enter these clubs using a valid Driver's license and she was only 17. And then she bragged to her friends, who all had big mouths, who said some big company was going to fly her to Paris on a private jet just to do some videos of her singing Madonna songs. And that she was going to do all of this without her parent's permission. This meant an underage teenager with no Valid ID, no parents, no escorts, or passports. no money, no huge established credits as a consummated singer, and we were to believe all of this was attractive enough to invest in her as a singer. We all laughed at her overwhelming claims as she wanted us to believe. So, When the '80s New Wave was in its full swing, Lynda was still in school in Huntington Beach CA. Yes! Much later we did see her prancing on the floor in a video. However, her story of how she got there does not add up. So, I most definitely agree with Victoria Williams's story. Lynda needs to get her story straight. 

Answer: Hello, Darla. After reading your very interesting news. I decided to post this because if this is true? All I can say is wow!  

Speaking for myself

27. Q: From Casy Whitlock - (California)

I read your bio and you never mentioned why you had retired from 1990 - 2010. You seemed to avoid that question. Are you going to reveal why one day? 

A: So, it was my near-death experience with my brain aneurysm that kept me physically disabled for so many years.  And that's why this personal subject at the time was difficult to share. I thought I would never be able to perform and have what I love again, which is music. So, for 25 years I was sad and heartbroken until one day I felt strong enough to give it one more try. I remember a friend of mine told me a story about the time his grandfather's driver's license was revoked because he was too old. That was so sad because that was his joy, and driving was his freedom of independence and he felt alive. And that's what music does to me. It makes me feel alive. 

Speaking for myself

26. Q: Dee Dee Nguyen - (California)

I don't like you or your music, because you think you're too good not to perform with your Vietnamese people. For instance, I never saw you at any of the Diamond Seafood Palace shows in southern california. So, tell me why don't you? 

Answer: Firstly! If you don't like me, why are you here?  You know, when I read your question I was not going to answer you. However, I could not refuse the opportunity to explain what you can't obviously see.  And your need to judge without understanding beyond any justification or homework really perplexes me.

So yes! I have performed several times throughout my career to my Vietnamese people.  Perhaps, you didn't read my Bio, because if you did you wouldn't sound like a fool. Not only did I perform to the local Vietnamese Communities in California from Westminster to San Jose.  I have also performed in over 30 states and 62 cities in the United States to both the American audience and to the Vietnamese.  As to the Palace shows. If you did your homework sister I have performed there and I have many videos on youtube of my performances.

But, if you were to ask me why I don't anymore. Well, that's a different question. And to answer that before you judge me again.  There are two types of shows. There are your typical shows, which you are talking about. The ones that have one band with 40 singers, which is what I would call your average Karaoke festival where sometimes more than half of the audience are singers.  So, they're all there just to dance and have a good time and nothing more. A good time is exactly that, all fun and games. Sorry, you missed me when I had performed at those shows.  And then there are the other types of shows where there is no dancing and people are actually listening, and enjoying the performers perform on stage.  Therefore, today with all my achievements and hard work,  I have the prerogative to choose the shows I prefer, especially when I have already participated several times in the shows you referenced above. 

Speaking for myself

25. Q: Sandra Norman - (Germany)

When you were growing up in Vietnam, how did you get started singing and who were your musical influences? 

Answer: I have to say, it was my Dad Mr. Tu, and my brother Manh Ha (aka Mike Nguyen). They were the talented ones. My Dad played guitar, drums, the vibes and loved singing old classic favorites. And my brother Mike played the drums in a band called The Rocking Stars, and The Heartbreakers. And they would have band rehearsals in our house every week.  I could remember one day I got enough courage to ask my brother that I wanted to be a singer and if he could help me? He didn’t say anything and then he got his guitar and I sang for him. When I finished he got up and walked away, leaving me speechless.  Surprisingly, Mike had talked to his band manager the following day and I became their singer for his new group called “The Mavericks”. And that’s how I started my singing career.   As to my other influences in Vietnam.  I would have to say, it was The Apple Three with lead singer Vy Van who I idolized. 

Speaking for myself

24. Q: From Abigal Wardlow - (China)

I'm confused, are you the first Vietnamese New Wave legend? 

Answer: People always ask me this.  I have to answer. No!  However, If we are talking about who was the first female Vietnamese recording artist to create original New Wave/Italo music in the '80s? To the best of my knowledge, with four albums to my credit from 1986-1989 I have to answer yes. I seem to be the one.  Just to note, there were other female Vietnamese singers after I started singing New Wave who came much later.

Speaking for myself

23. Q: Billy Carlton (Greece)

Did you suffer any friction during the fall transition of Vietnam in 1975?

Answer: Fortunately, no!  I left Vietnam before the chaos happened during the fall of Vietnam. I was fortunate to meet my fiance James Wycoff who was a G.I in the American army. We met at a nightclub called My linh at Vung Tau. He was a friend of my brother Manh Ha. And shortly thereafter we met, and he proposed to me and we left for Akron Ohio in America where we got married. So, I missed all the chaos.  

Speaking for myself

22. Q: From Chistina Lopez - (California)

Do you write your own original music? 

Answer: Yes, musically I collaborate with composers, Brother Alan Nguyen in the '80s, and Eric Teggers currently. However, I mostly write lyrics.

Speaking for myself

21. Q: Raymond Becker - (Czechia)

Hello Shere please forgive my English. Question: Were you just as popular in Vietnam during the music explosion with all their festivals as you are in America?

Answer:  No!  My music performances were virtually unknown in Vietnam. And I only performed at two nightclubs, which were The Queen Bee and The Paramount. This was due to my contract with the American G.I. and officers U.S.O. club in South Vietnam. However, I did hear rumors of a surge of music rising just before I left VN. It sounded like the music industry was Exploding! I remember hearing names of popular cover bands like Family Love, CBC, Shot Gun, The Apple Three, etc. BTW! I never performed in Caechia so it's very nice to know you heard of me. WOW! So cool! 👍

Speaking for myself

20. Q: Susie Blair: (California)

From all of your original songs, is there any you don't like?

Answer: Over the years I have recorded over 80 original songs with videos. So yes! It’s a song called, “The Weeping Lady”. I don’t like it because it scares the hell out of me. True story, My manager deliberately hid the truth about the history of our filming location. Basically, a priest killed three children at this church. He didn’t tell me until after we finished filming. Ironically, during editing, we discovered the appearance of a ghost image of an old creepy man on a post to the right of me. Check it out on frame 0.59. Oh! I got so freaked out that I quit filming and removed the song from my list.

Speaking for myself

19. Q: From Kim Khanh - (California)

Do you know Lynda Trang Dai? And is she your competitor? 

Answer:  I never heard of her in the 80s. And I don't know her personally, although now I know who she is. As to your second question: Is she my competitor?  No! We are two different classes of Vietnamese, in music and in style - besides, I believe she's 15 years younger. So, no she is not my competitor. 

Speaking for myself

18. Q: Kitty Fonda - (Paris France)

What do you hate about the Vietnamese-American music industry during the '80s? BTW! I know your sister Kim

Answer: What I didn't like was the competition, backstabbing, and politics. This can make or break any new performer trying to make it in the Vietnamese music industry. You only had two choices in the '80s, join a production company, within the Vietnamese refugee communities, which were only two at the time.  And even if you were to join a production company your performances would be limited due to the changing artist to keep their audience interest sustainable. Otherwise going solo without them, meant a slow death to your career. Especially, when your audience is limited to the Vietnamese.

Speaking for myself

17. Q: From Linda Sanchez - (Montana)

Hello, I'm from Montana. So, I love 80's New Wave Vietnamese music and I have noticed there are a lot of Vietnamese singers who sing New Wave that seems to be more popular than you. Especially in their communities. Why is that? 

Answer: Yes, you are correct. There are a few reasons why this is prevalent. Firstly, I'm 69 this year and not young like the performers you are watching. Plus, I'm an independent original new wave recording artist, which means my music is different from the Euro Disco oldies these performers are promoting. Also, you can not dismiss the fact, that the popularity of these performers you are watching is produced by major Vietnamese companies like Paris by Night, Thuy Nga etc. So, yes! You are going to see much larger numbers than I can produce especially for the Vietnamese audience.  And as we all know the '80s songs they are singing from groups like Modern Talking or C C Catch are sure to guarantee large numbers of viewers. But of course, this comes with a cost as they lose their identity, and become Karaoke entertainers and sadly followers of a series of copycat performers. And as I have mentioned, all the performing artists who perform at these major establishments receive massive views. That is until they go on their own and sadly their viewer numbers decrease dramatically. The other reason why I'm not as popular was my 20- years of absence from 1990 - 2010. This was due to a brain aneurysm, which kept me disabled and unable to perform. So, this didn't help my popularity with either audience, Vietnamese or Americans. As you know if you are not currently active people forget who you are. And let's not forget in the early '80s the Vietnamese major companies turned me down. So, now at the age of 69, I am just surviving from my past credits and starting all over again to build up my status. And that's why I'm not as popular in the Vietnamese communities as the artist you mentioned to date. 

Speaking for myself

16. Q: Richard Manard - (Indiana)

I recently became a fan, and looking through all your photos and videos on Facebook and other social media outlets.  I've noticed you never seem to age or show any signs of wrinkles or anything going south. Now, tell the truth. How is this possible at your age?

Answer: LOL! Well! If you are looking at all my videos, photos past and present. Then you have to come to only one conclusion.  Yes! I have a good doctor who does miracles.  

Speaking for myself

15. Q: Cindy Matters - (California)

Are you still acting in movies?

Answer: Not fully. Unfortunately, I have to turn down some offers that have too many speaking lines. This is due to a focus impediment I have from the brain aneurysm I suffered back in 1990.  And today, the movies I do take on are usually independent films and not the major movie companies that I was involved with back in the '80s.  

Speaking for myself

14. Q: Tony Bazaar - (California)

Hey! WTF? Why are you doing with all this 80's shit? Whatever happened to The Industrial Bitch? Is she ever going to come back? The other stuff is all bullShit!  And are you really The Industrial Bitch?

Answer: LOL! 🤣  That was fun. Yes! I was The Industrial Bitch for years. And though successful my composer Eric Teggers and I decided to drop out well we were still ahead.  The impressive offers to travel around the country and touring throughout Europe challenged our daily commitments and our lifestyle as age-old seniors. LOL!  However, keep posted because who knows, I might surprise everybody.

Speaking for myself

13. Q: Sharon Waters - (Las Vegas)

I'm your biggest fan. However, I have trouble explaining to other people what style of music you are. Are you a New Wave, Rock, Country, French, Industrial rocker, Jazz, or Italo Disco? 

Answer: LOL!  I guess the best way to describe me without coming off too arrogant would be a New Wave recording artist or a crazy lunatic with multiple personality disorders. LOL!

Speaking for myself

12. Q: From Shelia Brown - (Nebraska)

I feel stupid asking this question.  However, I've seen a lot of your videos and photos over two decades of different costume styles. Surely, you must have had help to emulate so many genres. So, I need to ask you, who helped you design your costumes? 

Answer: BTW! I remember performing in Nebraska. I had so much fun there. Anyway!  Yes! I design all my costumes. LOL! I knew one day someone would ask me that question. You asked for it! Ok!  Buckle up!  There is a strict learning process I go through. Firstly, I let the music guide my direction for the colors, patterns, and materials I would need to create what I have in mind. I also, use magazines with top fashion models to help all my fantasies come to fruition.  One annoying habit I have that drives everybody crazy is that I like to tear pages from magazines instead of buying them like normal people. I do this when I'm visiting the doctors or any place that displays these tempting delights. And so far I haven't got caught.  Well! I take it back.  There was that one time when my manager sat next to me at the doctor's office gave me a dirty look and said, "What's that funny noise I hear?". And I challenged him and said, "What noise? Well! The noise he heard was me hard at work tearing pages from the magazines.  Once that process is completed I go into my next phase, which is my magic closet, or the lost treasures time has forgotten. Once I'm in, I'm not coming out.  That is until someone notices I'm missing. In the closet, I usually mix and match materials from old dresses, belts, hats, bras, pants, etc. The secret is to never throw anything away.  Unfortunately, this selfish little habit gets me in trouble. I say this because I use up all the storage space in the house. This means you could possibly find a corset in your toolbox, or my lucky bra in the microwave.   Also, people always seem to be afraid of giving me any gifts, particularly if it's clothing. For some odd reason, they always seem shocked and wide-eyed when they see a piece of their gift on my costume in my video or photos. Silly people!  Nevertheless, I'm creating costumes all the time. So, yes, I design all my costumes. Thanks for asking. Love ya!

Speaking for myself

11. Q: Doug Wilson - (California)

I read your Bio and I noticed that you call yourself a recording artist. What's the difference between a recording artist and a cover band that also records? I don't see a difference. Can you please explain why you frequently make this contrast?

Answer: Yes! The obvious legal difference is that one is signed to a record label and the other is not.  And even though anybody can record a song, it's what they are recording that can separate one from the other. Cover bands, or solo artists who do cover songs, are basically Karaoke entertainers, capitalizing on someone else's hard work who created the original songs they're emulating, which I have also done. Funny note: Sometimes performers who do covers behave like they are the original creators, which is hilarious.  Note: From the beginning of music history the first recordings ever created were all originals. So, because I create original music and signed to a record label EQ Recording. I chose to utilize that initial code of honor. Simply put, there are creators of music, and there are copycats. And that's the only difference. Otherwise, they are all recording artists by today's standards. 

Speaking for myself

10. Q: Frank O'rourk

Hi Shere! recently joined your Facebook page. And I noticed that you share your videos, but you don't advertise through Facebook. I'm a struggling artist and I don't know a damn thing about promoting myself.  Any advice?

Answer: As for Facebook.  You're not going to like this. However, the truth is. The Facebook personal page is only good to connect with friends and family and occasionally you might pick up a fan or two. I learned the hard way. In other words, FB is a good ego Booster. It's the equivalent of performing to your mom, dad, and siblings. No more!  And if you may have noticed, you could develop a strong viewing audience. However, sooner or later you have to ask yourself. How much money am I making, and why are they not coming to my shows?  As for direct advertising on Facebook for musicians. Hell no! They charge you a huge fee, take a huge cut of any profits you make, and you will never make your investment back.  Also, they sell your email globally and suck you dry. The only other alternative is converting your personal Facebook page to a business page. At least you will be receiving more direct interest to your career. 

So, my advice to you is to build an (email) fan base. I personally use a service called "Constant contact" which helps me send out all my latest flyers, newsletters, and purchase sites to all my music with one click of a button. This comes in handy when you are a struggling independent artist without a major record deal. Also, keep an active file of all your performances, photos, and sound recordings. They will all come in handy when the time comes. And, always have a nice recording demo when seeking venues to perform. And when you are ready to sell your music I would recommend a good distributor such as Spotify or CDbaby. I hope this helps. Much love Shere.

Speaking for myself

9. Q: Linn Thuy - I recently watched a couple of interviews on a local Vietnamese TV show with  Ngoc Lan, Khanh Ly, and Nhu Mai, reminiscing about the old days and how and who helped them get started in their music careers.  I was so excited waiting to hear your name mentioned because their first recording ever was with you. I believe they were on your Nu Hon Dau cassette album. Yet, they gave credit to everybody on the planet, and they didn't mention you?  Why didn't they?

Answer: Unfortunately, I do not have an answer. We never parted on bad terms, so this is a sad surprise to hear this. However, you are right!  I believe I was the first, if not one of the first to introduce and produce them on my cassette album in 1985. I did so because I believed in their talent and wanted to help kick off their music careers. BTW! Chi Tai helped me produce this album and made sure everybody sounded great. Nu Hon Dau was very popular and I sold all my stock within a few months. In fact, I invited some of them back to do a couple of video albums, which I produced called Bien Tinh, and Lua Tinh. So, for whatever reason why they chose not to include me in their credits. I can only guess. It must have been for political favoritism, and definitely an intrigue. Thanks for sharing. 

Speaking for myself

8. Q: Julia Thảo - Hello Shere! I'm not Vietnamese, although I am married to one.   My husband and I are huge fans of your work.  When I'm on YouTube I notice a lot of the Vietnamese singers are with these big Las Vegas-type production companies like Asia, Paris by Night, Thuy Nga, Giang Ngoc, etc.  Why aren't you with any of these companies?

Answer:  LOL!  You are absolutely right. They are all equivalent to these big production Vegas acts. And I'm not a Vegas-type girl.  LOL!  However, in the '80s with Thuy Nga and Asia.  At the time they were both producing the old traditional Vietnamese classics. I did approached them hoping to bring the new wave sound to their menu, although they rejected me.  They said my music would not be accepted back then. They wanted a Madonna-type act, and I wasn't that girl.  Eventually, with time they were all forced to make changes and began seeking new talent,  This was before they started charging their artists to pay to perform at their shows. So now, I have no interest or desire to join them.  And even though they can produce a huge number of viewers to your credits. It turns out that they were right, their audience would not have accepted my new wave sound of music. Plus, these Vietnamese agencies were all designed and limited to cater to the old traditional Vietnamese style back then.  So, today, I would never give in to these companies.  Plus I'm too old with too much integrity.  And, that's why I'm not seen in their shows.

Speaking for myself

7. Q: Kim Chao - I can see you are creating a lot of new original music this year. So, does this mean you will be showcasing, touring, or performing live anywhere soon?

Answer:  If this happens, it would have to be a spur of the moment, and only if the opportunity is favorable.  I say this because at my age touring and performing gigs at local venus is a full-time commitment and demanding from my time away from my home. Besides I did all that for many years to the point where I wound up in a hospital once. So, It would have to be one or two performances. Plus, there is the matter when I struggle the thought of disappointing my fans to see me at my old age. So, who knows! Will see. Love ya!

Speaking for myself

6. Q: Robert Colton - Hello Thuy!  My brother played in one of your bands back in Vietnam. All he ever talks about was the time he played for you. He also knew your brothers Alan & Mike. Whatever happened to them? Did they ever achieve the success equivalent to yours? 

Answer: Cool! What was your brother's name? Anyway, since my mother's passing 5 years ago. I haven't made contact with either one of them. Last I heard from friends on Facebook. I was told Mike changed his last name from Nguyen to Wyen and is still singing whenever and wherever there is an opportunity.  Unfortunately, he never made the success he always dreamed of, although he is happy performing around town for the Vietnamese people. You can visit his YouTube page here MIKE WYEN.

As for Alan. He has recently become a Baptist and has lost all interest in the thought of being a major recording artist. However, he still composed music but only religious music praising his love for God. You can visit Alan here ALAN NGUYEN

In conclusion. I love both my brothers dearly, and miss all the wonderful memories I shared as their sister, and musician band member, We had so many good times growing up in Vietnam and our adventures in America. It's all because of my brothers that I am a successful recording artist today.

Speaking for myself

5. Q: Mary Hernandez - I've been following you on youtube, and I found your website. In your bio, you said your brother Alan was your composer and I was brought up listening to your songs, Gonna lose my heart, and It's only you. However, I have noticed that your new composer and music are much broader in the range of music styles. BTW! I'm a songwriter and I know this is virtually impossible especially from Industrial, Jazz, to romantic ballads. Come on man! Tell the truth? Who is this composer, or songwriters?   

Answers: Hello Mary, Yes, there is only one guy.  His name is Eric Teggers and he wears many hats. I'll let his credits speak for himself...

2. Kenny Rogers lead guitar player Indio California tour 2018.

3. Contemporary artist - graduate from Oxford England

4. Owner of The Ambassador of Arts gallery In south Pasadena CA - Ritz Carlton.

5. Owner of an all-ages Night club called Bollocks. Los Angeles Ca

6. Author for the Stage play, Book, and audio CD called, Flowers For Beth.

7. Video and film director for all my videos - 2010 -2021

8. CEO for a singles club called, S.I.H.

9. Author for a book called, The Needles and pins of an all-ages night club, called Bollocks.

10. Songwriter for Angeles on earth 1 & 2 albums

11. Producer for the Bully Boys - punk CD album.

12. Songwriter for all my original songs from 2010 to 2021.

And although he can play several instruments like most musicians, his main instrument is his love for his guitar. Oh! And he can sing. You can check him out with me doing a duet called, Two is better than one.

Speaking for myself

4. Q: Mike Sue - I was not a fan before reading your bio, but after viewing some of your videos and listening to a lot of your songs.  I have to be truthful to say your bio was just too impressive to believe with all the work you have done even after disappearing for over 25 years. However, all the proof tells me you are either a legend, a Vietnamese new wave queen, or for sure someone not to avoid. My question: It seems you might also be the only female Vietnamese with the most original songs recorded. Could I be wrong? Are you?

Answer:  Hello Mike, good question.  WOW! No one has ever asked me that one before. LOL!  I'm sorry to say I don't have an answer.  I wasn't prepared for that one. However, I can honestly say I have recorded over 50 original songs and collaborated with several songwriters both music and lyrics to create my originals. That's the best answer for now until someone out there can challenge that number of original songs. And that's for a Vietnamese recording artist, and of course in my age group in America. 

Speaking for myself

3. Q: Diana Long - Being in the business for so many years. Did you ever encounter political feedback, jealousy, or hate from other performers in your career?

Answers: Yes! Unfortunately, the music business comes automatically with all the bells and whistles of politics and jealousy. I think the most hurtful ones are the hypocrites. The ones who say they're your friends, yet! They can't leave a good comment on my work.  Instead, they feel the need to spew out little challenging innuendos and also include their credits right next to yours. Here are a few other things I have experienced...

There is plenty more, although it's starting to sound like a pity party. LOL! So I'll stop here. Thanks for asking

Speaking for myself

2. Q: From Robert Walker -  I'm a guitar player and I was wondering when you performed at clubs, or on tour, did you have a special band who performed with you steadily? 

Answer: No, I had to work with several different bands.  Usually, the local clubs would provide me with their house bands.  And when I was on tour the producers would have a supporting band to back me up.  Back in the '80s I was very busy and performed at different nightclubs every week. It was sad in a way because I never got to build a buddy relationship with any of the musicians. So, when people ask me what was the name of that band you played with last week. I would pause in embarrassment and answer I don't know. 

Speaking for myself

Answer: Dear Lucy I love that you are a female DJ. Cool! As to your request. Unfortunately, I have the last copy, which I have framed on my wall with my other vinyl albums. For the record anyone else curious about acquiring any albums through me. I have to say, I'm all sold out. At one time I had over 100,000 copies made of all my albums combine.  And recently some DJ on Facebook told me he purchased "Bring my heart to light" vinyl on eBay for $65.00. Isn't that funny!  This means the seller made more money than what I would have originally got for that one album back in the '80s. LOL!  It seems I'm worth more today than I was back then. ;-)